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Band Description:
Alternative / Progressive Metal

Home Town:
Washington DC

United States Of America (USA)

A. J. Lee
Marc Sylvestre

None Stated
None Stated

TSloBomb began in the late autumn of 1998 when instrumentalist, Marc Sylvestre, met lyricist, A. J. Lee, through an ad on a local paper, connected on a deep level,
and the rest became a distant memory. For the next year, this duo did not
anticipate the setbacks and tribulations that were to follow. Within the first
half of 1999, they tried and jammed with several musicians. Although very
talented, none of them shared A. J. and Marc's intent and vision. From this,
tension and frustration build, almost causing Marc and A. J. to split. But with
the strong chemistry between them and the passion to create music, they redirected their strategy.

Over the course of a year, they began to work on a collection of songs, created
from ideas that stemmed from the wildest frontiers of their psychotic imaginations
and derisive upbringings. A. J.'s usage of off-key approaches and uncompressed
vocal range simulate the anguish of unpleasing human conditions. Marc's
instrumental works give a saga of the instabilities of real life, creating
drawn-out passages that resembles stagnation and abrupt changes representing
"ordered chaos". The total production had to match those qualities by providing a
boots in overall mid frequencies. This would result in the album, "Enter SloBomb."
After its release on November 2000, the album has invoked mixed, but strong
feelings from various listeners.

In the summers of '01 and '02, SloBomb performed a small series of gigs, building
a reputation in the underground music scene, uplifting crowds with their
thought-provoking performances that speak to the quietest person in the room.
During, which, they worked on new material for their sophomore album, "Food for
the Gods," an exquisitely produced, underground lo-fi--combining deep,
subterranean rumbles and absurd studio trickery, intended to bring the 'real' face
back in rock. SloBomb continues to make strives in breaking different grounds in
audio expression.

To write the best music that we can make, and play it for as many people that want
to enjoy it.

Not Currently Available

Album Title
Enter SloBomb
Nov. 2000
Alternative Metal
Food for the Gods
Sep. 2002
Additional Recordings Info: